Our Global Network of Experts

Meet the Experts who Co-Create & Co-Facilitate our Path of Relating Offerings

As someone who does his best to practice what he preaches, Buster Radvik surrounds himself with a strong community of leaders and experts in their respective fields and practices to co-develop, and co-facilitate, the unique range of Path of Relating’s relationship-centered events.  

He regularly collaborates with a team of highly experienced facilitators who bring a wealth of expertise to every offering. Their collective experience ensures that each thoughtfully crafted event inspires personal growth and meaningful interactions.

With their diverse backgrounds – from psychology and communication to Shamanism and music – these carefully chosen facilitators provide a depth of wisdom, practical strategies, and valuable insights that come together to create unforgettable experiences for all involved.

Åsa Kullberg

Body therapist & rebirther - Dynamic Yoga teacher

Åsa’s interests and expertise are founded in the spiritual exploration and personal development of the self. With a college education in the profession of teaching, Asa’s deep passion for ancient wisdom and medicine has led her to yoga, movement, and meditation. 

She is a certified yoga teacher in Dynamic Yoga, trained by Godfrey Devereux, as is known for originally bringing Shamanic Dearmoring to Sweden over 25 years ago. As a skilled body therapist and “re-birther”, Asa finds meaning in helping many people from all walks of life to find their way ‘home’ once again.

Asa has been practicing, studying, and training in spiritual sexuality since 1992 and is the founder and director of the Swedish Rainbow Dragon Lodge. One of Asa’s greatest strengths is her ability to reflect the wisdom of ancient medicine through her unique perspective, which is filled with humor, razor-sharp observations, and thoughtful insights. Visit Åsa’s website to learn more. 

“A dearmored body is open and welcomes this vibration as the pleasure and aliveness of Spirit. It breathes effortlessly and spontaneously. It expands and can morph into everything.”

Susanne Roursgaard

Psychotherapist & Counsellor - Founder, The Gaia Method

Susanne is devoted to helping her clients heal and release trauma – to experience safety, freedom, love and compassion; to challenge and create boundaries; to come home to oneself. She has an incredibly diverse educational background, which she brings to her equally varied offerings as a healer and therapist. 

From her work as a psychotherapist and body-oriented trauma therapist to her medical background as a midwife for more than two decades, Susanne is a deep well of knowledge and experience-based wisdom. She is also skilled in the fields of sexology, family therapy, and couples counselling, as well as being a certified provider of TRE, an interspiritual trainer, and co-founder of Healingrejser.

With her passion for working holistically with the body, mind and spirit, Susanne is the creator and founder of The Gaia Method, a body-oriented modality developed over 30 years of practice in experimental bodywork therapy. Visit Susanne’s website to learn more.

“Our deeper aim is to help you connect to your essence. To consciously be able to create in life, manifest and express yourself.”


Anette Torgersen

Associate Professor  - Movement practitioner and facilitator - Founder, BodySoulSynergy

Anette has been working in the field of movement – as dancer, choreographer, and movement educator – for over 45 years in various institutions both nationally and internationally. She studied Anette at Gothenburg's Ballet Academy (1989) and New York Dance Intensive (1995). 
With a dissertation focused on ‘Kinetic Awareness as a Transformational Dance and Movement Didactic: From Instrumental to Existential Body,’ Anette also holds a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from the University Of Southeast Norway, where she is now an Associate Professor at the in the department of Physical Education. 

Currently developing BodySoulSynergy, this spiritual somatic dance practice connects knowledge and experiences from Kinetic Awareness, Body-Mind Centering®, Somatic Experience, Authentic Movement, among others. She also takes inspiration from therapeutic dance, other forms of expressive therapies, and the Path of Awakening Woman. Visit Anette’s website to learn more about her work.

“A central point is to practice being present with the body, emotions, movements, and thoughts as they shift and change.” 

See upcoming workshops with Anette and Buster: Relational Playground

Mara Köplin

Clinical Psychologist; Psychotherapist in training - Professional Musician

Mara is a psychologist, musician, and facilitator. With a master's degree in clinical psychology, with emphasis on psychological empowerment she is currently on the path to becoming a Family Systems Psychotherapist. Mara has a strong fascination with communication theories and the psychology of relationships. 

With a spiritual background of Universal Sufism and a strong interest in different spiritual traditions, Mara’s overarching work is grounded in the art of connection. As a vocalist and musician, she holds a deep dedication to creating spaces of sacredness and connection through journeys of vocal exploration, embodiment and singing circles. 

Her primary intention when sharing her music is to create a holistic space of connection and presence, where the listener (or dancer or participant) is invited to let down their guard, just “be” exactly as they truly are, and to surrender to the moment. Visit Mara’s website for more information.

“My work serves to bring people in touch with themselves and with each other.”

See upcoming events with Mara & Buster: THRIVE 

Cherie Ellen

Certified Gestalt Practitioner  - Tantra & intimacy expert; psychotherapist in training

Cherie Ellen is a Certified Gestalt Practitioner and facilitator in the field of tantra and intimacy. She welcomes couples, women, and groups for gentle healing and exploration through practices like Primal Play and Tantric Ropes.

With years of experience working with embodiment, nervous system regulation, and authentic relating, Cherie is all about creating a brave space for intimacy to blossom. Cherie dreams of a community where hearts and bodies come together, exploring the pleasure of being alive and connected. As part of this vision, she's organizing the Alive Tantra Festival in Copenhagen, a celebration of intimacy.

She is also a graduate of Embodied Intimacy Training and is sharing this work alongside the guidance of Buster Rådvik. Visit her website for more information.

See upcoming workshops with Cherie and Buster: The Gentle Way to Aliveness

“I am passionate about slowing down in intimacy and I facilitate spaces for connection with focus on embodiment and authenticity.”

Lia Henneberger

Embodiment Coach (Coaches Rising), Certified Integral Business Coach (ICF & DBVC)

For over a decade, Lia has been following her passion for leadership and personal and collective growth. In her work, she accompanies individuals, teams/groups and organisations on their journey of holistic transformation.

She is a certified integral business coach (ICF & DBVC), embodiment coach (Coaches Rising) and facilitator trained in group facilitation, embodiment/somatic facilitation, a mindful culture, and a modern business approach.

See upcoming workshops with LIA and Buster: TRAUMA2TRUST

“Start with yourself.”

“Our power rests in our network.”